The smarter way to save – Inyova

May we present?

The sustainable investment savings plan.

With our sustainable investment savings plan, you save money month after month. In line with your values. You make a fully automated monthly deposit into your Impact Investment - starting at CHF 100. We invest your deposits directly into your portfolio. The best: You don't commit yourself to anything. You can suspend your deposits at any time, stop them completely or simply adjust the amount. And of course you can get your money at any time.

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Why save with Inyova?

Small savings, big impact

Can you save 100 francs each month? Realistically, what about 500? Thanks to compound interest, these deposits allow you to make money while you sleep. That’s because your money earns interest… then earns interest on that interest... and interest on that interest... and so on.

Bank interest is at 0.01%

Put your money into a typical savings account, and it will lose value over time. That’s because inflation is on an upwards swing – the price of goods and services is growing faster than the tiny amount of interest your savings earn. This is no way to achieve your life goals. With Inyova, your investment is designed for long-term growth, in line with your financial goals and risk preferences.

Help solve global challenges

You’re probably thinking, “But what should I invest in?”. As an Inyova investor, you pick investment themes such as renewable energy, human rights, and gender equality and can exclude companies active in weaponry, nuclear, tobacco and more. With every adjustment you make, our algorithm makes sure your portfolio is financially sound.

Fully risk managed

Unlike many funds, your money is in an account in your name and you can access it at any time. You directly invest in shares of sustainable and socially responsible companies. To reduce your risk, we spread your investment across industries, countries, currencies, and other dimensions. We also do regular rebalancing, and continuously monitor companies.

Here’s how it works

In three simple steps

Screenshot showing how to pick impact topics for your Inyova strategy

Personalise your impact investing strategy using Inyova’s online investment tool.

Screenshot showing how to select your companies with Inyova

Adjust your risk level until you are comfortable.

Screenshot showing an Inyova impact investing strategy

Automatically add money to your investment account each month.

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